
Agriculture in Arusha


"Agriculture is the main economic activity of Arusha region. It contributes more than 45-percent of regional GDP and also accounts for more than 75-percent of export earnings. Moreover, both agriculture and livestock employs more than 65-percent of the rural population."

An analysis was done on the arable* land of the Arusha region and certain conclusions were drawn:

- In a research done in 2006/2007, it was found that 15.0% of Longido land is arable  
     - 487,795 hectares was arable out of a total 34,526,000 hectares of regional land

- Livestock is main source of income for households
     - Over 90% have lost livestock to either drought or disease (because of very low   
       vaccination rates)

- Major food crops include maize, beans, paddy, and sorghum.

- In a consensus done in 2002: 53% total rural households used piped water as their main 
     - By 2007, 588,468 people were using piped water
     - Piped water: 58% during the dry season and 68% during the wet season
     - Surface water: 21% during the dry season and 18% during the wet season
     - Unprotected springs: 9% during the wet season and 11% during the dry season
     - Unprotected well: 4% in the wet season and 3% in the dry season
     - Protected well: 2% for both seasons

- It is recommended for Longido to invest in growing maize, millet, and flowers in order to optimize the use of its arable land.


*Arable [ar-ruh-buh l] 

1. capable of producing crops; suitable for farming; suitable to be plowed and tilled

2. land that can be or is cultivated


Arable [Def 1]. (n.d.) In Dictionary.com. Retrieved September 22, 2014, from http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/arable?s=t.

Arusha. (2014, February). Agriculture. Retrieved from http://www.arusha.go.tz/index.php/economic-activities/agriculture?showall=1&limitstart=

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