
Cooking and Air Pollution

Indoor Air Pollution

  • Biomass in the form of dung, wood, and crop residues is burned in 2/5 homes
  • Most housing at temperate latitudes has relatively low air exchange rates
  • Incomplete combustion produces byproducts that are harmful, most of which are released into living spaces and due to low air exchange rates they stay in the room for lengthy periods of time
  • This can lead to respiratory disease in children under the age of 5

·         Smith, K. R. "Indoor air pollution in developing countries and acute lower respiratory infections in children." Thorax 55.6 (2000): 518-532. Print.

      World Energy Outlook 2006

·         However, the proportion of the population relying on biomass is highest in sub-Saharan Africa. In many parts of this region, more than 90% of the rural population relies on wood and charcoal for fuel.
 ·         World energy outlook 2006. Paris: International Energy Agency :, 2006. Print.
 ·         Cooking as a source of indoor air pollution in rural areas of Tanzania
·         It  was  observed  that  97.3%  of  the 112  families surveyed utilized simple “three stones” fires for cooking. Other observed cooking facilities in the study areas were charcoal stoves and kerosene stoves. The overall pattern shows that the population in the three villages spent about 76.8% of their time indoors.
·         Jackson, Mm. "Cooking as a Source of Indoor Air Pollution in Rural Areas of Tanzania." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 3.5 (2010): n. pag. Web

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